문제 1
Deploy a pod named nginx-pod using the nginx:alpine image. Once done, click on the Next Question button in the top right corner of this panel. You may navigate back and forth freely between all questions. Once done with all questions, click on End Exam. Your work will be validated at the end and score shown. Good Luck!
Name: nginx-pod
Image: nginx:alpine
문제 1 답
vi nginx-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx-pod
- name: nginx
image: nginx:alpine
kubectl apply -f nginx-pod.yaml
문제 1 관련 공식 문서
문제 2
Deploy a messaging pod using the redis:alpine image with the labels set totier=msg.
Pod Name: messaging
Image: redis:alpine
Labels: tier=msg
문제 2 답
vi messaging.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: messaging
tier: msg
- name: redis
image: redis:alpine
kubectl apply -f messaging.yaml
문제 2 관련 공식문서
문제 3
Create a namespace named apx-x9984574.
Namespace: apx-x9984574
문제 3 답
kubectl create namespace apx-x9984574
문제 3 관련 공식문서
문제 4
Get the list of nodes in JSON format and store it in a file at /opt/outputs/nodes-z3444kd9.json.
Task completed
문제 4 답
kubectl get nodes -o json > /opt/outputs/nodes-z3444kd9.json
문제 4 관련 공식문서
문제 5
Create a service messaging-service to expose the messaging application within the cluster on port 6379. Use imperative commands.
Service: messaging-service
Port: 6379
Type: ClusterIp Use the right labels
문제 5 답 1
kubectl create service clusterip messaging-service --tcp=6379:6379 --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
문제 5 답 2
# 문제에 이미지가 없어 우선 nginx-alpine으로 대체한다.
kubectl create deployment messaging-deployment --image=nginx:alpine
kubectl expose deployment messaging-deployment --name=messaging-service --port=6379 --target-port=6379 --type=ClusterIP --labels=app=messaging
문제 5 관련 공식문서
문제 6
Create a deployment named hr-web-app using the image kodekloud/webapp-color with 2 replicas.
Name: hr-web-app
Image: kodekloud/webapp-color
Replicas: 2
문제 6 답
kubectl create deployment hr-web-app --image=kodekloud/webapp-color --replicas=2
문제 6 관련 공식문서
문제 7
Create a static pod named static-busybox on the controlplane node that uses the busybox image and the command sleep 1000.
Name: static-busybox
Image: busybox
문제 7 답
cd /etc/kubernetes/manifests/
cat <<EOF > /etc/kubernetes/manifests/static-busybox.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: static-busybox
- name: busybox
image: busybox
command: ["sleep", "1000"]
문제 7 관련 공식문서
문제 8
Create a POD in the finance namespace named temp-bus with the image redis:alpine.
Name: temp-bus
Image Name: redis:alpine
문제 8 답
kubectl create namespace finance
kubectl run temp-bus --image=redis:alpine --namespace=finance
문제 8 관련 공식문서
문제 9
A new application orange is deployed. There is something wrong with it. Identify and fix the issue.
문제 9 답
kubectl describe pod orange
kubectl get pod orange -o yaml > orange.yaml
vi orange.yaml
kubectl delete pod orange
kubectl apply -f orange.yaml
문제 9 관련 공식문서
문제 10
Expose the hr-web-app as service hr-web-app-service application on port 30082 on the nodes on the cluster. The web application listens on port 8080.
Name: hr-web-app-service
Type: NodePort
Endpoints: 2
Port: 8080
NodePort: 30082
문제 10 답
kubectl create service nodeport hr-web-app-service --tcp=8080:8080 --node-port=30082
문제 10 관련 공식문서
문제 11
Use JSON PATH query to retrieve the osImages of all the nodes and store it in a file /opt/outputs/nodes_os_x43kj56.txt. The osImages are under the nodeInfo section under status of each node. Task Completed
문제 11 답
kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.status.nodeInfo.osImage}{"\n"}{end}'
문제 11 관련 공식 문서
문제 12
Create a Persistent Volume with the given specification:
Volume name: pv-analytics
Storage: 100Mi
Access mode: ReadWriteMany
Host path: /pv/data-analytics
Is the volume name set?
Is the storage capacity set?
Is the accessMode set?
Is the hostPath set?
문제 12 답
vi pv-analytics.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: pv-analytics
storage: 100Mi
- ReadWriteMany
path: /pv/data-analytics
kubectl apply -f pv-analytics.yaml
문제 12 관련 공식 문서
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